Han Market in Da Nang City

Han market is located in Hai Chau district, Da Nang city. It is located between four streets Tran Phu, Bach Dang, Hung Vuong and Tran Hung Dao. Han market is one of the most important trading point of Da Nang City, is popular among local and tourist alike.
The market was officially opened in the early 1940s during the French occupancy of Da Nang. In 1989 the market was renovation that added an extra store, making it the biggest market in Da Nang. Because it is located next to the Han River so it is called Han Market.

Han Market in Da Nang City

(Han Market in Da Nang City)

Han market is famous for various goods including fabric, clothes, footwear, fresh fruits and flowers, especially special fish sauce typical for local people’s dishes. The market is not only known for abundance of commodities but for the reasonable prices of items also. It is truly a good place for shopping among more than 50 markets in Da Nang City.

Han Market in Da Nang City

(Han Market in Da Nang City)

What to explore at Han Market?

There are four basic sections, spread over two floors.

The first floor is where local shops for fresh vegetables, seafood, and butchered meat in the early morning. There are also many fruit stalls set in front of the market, where you can purchase tropical fruits such as bananas, mangoes, durian, and jackfruit. If you like dried fruit you will be in the right place. The stalls also offer dried shrimp and squid as well. You can also stock up on some delicious fresh bread, nuts, cakes, candies and coffee.

Han Market in Da Nang City

(Han Market in Da Nang City)

If you would like to try some fresh and cheap street food then Han Market is the place to go. Just below the staircase you will find many Vietnamese dishes such rice noodles with marinated beef and pork and buns steamed in banana leaves, mi quang (Vietnamese turmeric noodles) and banh xeo (crispy pancake) and goi cuon (Vietnamese spring rolls), each of which should cost you no more than VND 30,000. Sit as far from the meat stalls if you are going to eat is the best advice we can give here.

Han Market in Da Nang City

(Han Market in Da Nang City)

The second floor is where you can purchase home appliances, souvenirs, cosmetics, and fabrics. Some of Da Nang’s top tailors also set up shop in Han Market, making it a great place to get quality yet affordable custom made suits and dresses. The prices are affordable and the clothes are of good quality. If you would like to design your own outfit, or have something to repair, then walk all around the floor until you find women sitting at the sewing machines. On the opposite side of the floor, men sitting there will repair or make shoes just for you.

Han Market in Da Nang City

(Han Market in Da Nang City)

Best time to visit Han Market?

Han market opens from 06:00 to 19:00 everyday. However, the best time to visit Han Market are between 06:00 and 11:00 and then after 16:00, when the market is bursting with activity rather than asleep.  For more experience in the city tour of Da Nang, the travelers can take a short walk from the big bridge on Bach Dang. Da Nang’s second biggest market( Cho Con), is nearby just off Hung Khong Street, which is easily Han Market stroll from Han. The Cham Museum is a 10-minute walk from the Bach Dang exit just by the Dragon Bridge, where you can also catch a boat for a Han River cruise.

How to get to Han Market?

Han market located in the center of the city among 4 streets: Tran Phu St, Bach Dang St, Hung Vuong St, Tran Hung Dao St. It’s easy to get there by motorbike, bicycle or taxi/ car. However, you should note that car could not be allowed to park at this area.

Han Market in Da Nang city is one of the places not to be missed, especially if this is your first time in Vietnam. You will have chance for shopping and also see the local people shopping activities. Walking insides the market and from that you may know how about local living standard. But don’t forget to buy some local product for your souvenir.

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